Wolf Hall (Episode 3)

Ep3Episode 3. ‘Anna Regina’

This episode was quite dark in nature in comparison with the others. It was all about desire, and showing how that desire or desirability could be a bargaining tool. Especially for the women of the royal court.

This episode’s dark tone was the physical equivalent of being shoved under water after coming up for air. Cromwell is shown to be more than the central figure who trots around the scenes, muttering the right words to the right people.

No matter what role she plays, Claire Foy always has the bitter lemon look and plays it so well, so that certainly came in handy with her role as Anne Boleyn. Anne obviously had a lot of deathly ambition and would stop at nothing to see it fulfilled.

This was not ‘the best’ episode so far but it was not bad. It also showed what little power women had at court and what they could do to improve on this – namely using their virtue and charms because they had little else to offer.

MY RATING: *** / *****

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